Exchange Rate Risk

Best risk management

With the unpredictability of foreign exchange rates, one needs to be prepared as the markets can change direction without notice. At SafeFin, we take this uncertainty very seriously, that is why we combine well-established economic principles; thorough research and the underlying currency needs of our clients, to provide concrete and robust strategic advice.

Safefin Service offering

Best rate

Our highly skilled and experienced Foreign Exchange Dealing Team act on behalf of all our clients to achieve the most competitive execution rate in this fast-moving, complex marketplace.


Our team will work with you to time the execution of your agreed strategy, based on expert analysis of market conditions and outlook. This strategy will optimise your average performance, avoiding buying at the market highs and selling at the lows.


We can take care of all the hassle of Foreign Exchange transaction confirmation, settlement, regulatorycompliance and reporting.

Hedging Strategy

We work with your finance and business professionals to design the most effective hedging programme, based on your policies and specific business requirements. We combine our expert knowledge of the technical and fundamental features of the Foreign Exchange market.